March is Endometriosis Awareness and I thought it would be a good time to let woman who are suffering with ednometriosis know that Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help.
Just The Facts ... Endometriosis generally occurs when uterine tissue migrates outside the uterus and attaches itself to organs in the abdominal cavity. It is typically seen as pigmented or non-pigmented lesions, cysts, nodules or masses. The lesions can be found on the colon, bladder, ovary, fallopian tubes, uterine ligaments or abdominal wall. The lesions can be problematic in that they are stimulated by the same hormonal cues as the uterine lining. This stimulation can lead to growth and microscopic bleeding of the lesions, which can result in scar tissue formation (adhesions), severe pain and inflammation. The only way endometriosis can be confirmed is through laparoscopy. Western medicine does have treatment for the symptoms; however a cure has been elusive. If endometriosis is found, it will usually be removed surgically. While surgery may be helpful at removing the some of the lesions or masses, it does little to stop the formation of new lesions or calm the body’s immune response to the endometriosis. The Benefits Of Chinese Medicine For Endometriosis Chinese herbal medicine can play an important role in helping women with endometriosis achieve pregnancy with its ability to treat the root and the symptoms aggravating the uterine environment.* There are many herbs to treat some of the symptoms associated with endometriosis, having effects such as:
Other helpful suggestions to help calm an overactive immune system include:
To Summarize...
What is most important from a Chinese medical standpoint is to identify the root of the imbalance and treat that accordingly. If the root is treated along with the symptoms, then the likelihood of achieving a nurturing uterine environment and healthy pregnancy increases dramatically. Interested in getting involved? San Francisco is hosting the Worldwide Endometriosis March on March 25th! More info here --> photo credit
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December 2023