General Health ConcernsTraditional Chinese medicine is a unique medical system in that it developed with a focus on not only curing disease, but also in preventing disease. Over two thousand years ago, Chinese physicians were only allowed payment from patients who were kept healthy and were not paid when someone became sick. Chinese medical physicians became very skilled in learning how to pick up subtle diagnostic cues when the body was out of balance, but before pathological conditions would surface.
Sometimes, imbalances can present as something someone might look at as a minor concern. A majority of our patients come to us exhibiting
These subclinical manifestations can show up as specific internal organ issues, tongue changes, pulse changes, etc., and are all cues a Chinese medicine doctor is skilled at observing. In this way, Chinese medicine doctors can detect and treat health issues at their earliest stages. Our Prevention Program An initial thorough assessment of your health history and concerns is completed. We then evaluate your constitutional weaknesses and strengths according to traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic tools. A customized treatment program is created for you which consists of acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. We may also suggest blood or saliva tests to look at physical markers. |
Emotional HealthBoth the physical and emotional aspects of a human being are treated with acupuncture and herbs. In fact, according to Chinese medical philosophy, most “internal” conditions are caused by our emotions. This does not mean we are angry for a few minutes and we get sick. It means that we all have certain emotions that have been predominant for most of our lives, and eventually this can lead to an imbalance which might cause stress, depression, anxiety or other emotional issues. Acupuncture relieves the symptoms of stress as it helps release endorphins and other hormones which positively effect our emotions.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be helpful for the following health concerns: