At San Francisco Integrative Medicine you are in safe, capable hands. We provide the highest level of care for every patient, and we have the professional experience to make a lasting difference in your health. We know that seeking help is not always easy, but you can trust us to listen and recommend the best possible treatments for your needs.
Acupuncture & Electro-acupuncture Stimulating the body’s tissues with acupuncture needles activates neurological, muscular, endocrine, and immunological/inflammatory mechanisms. These responses promote healing and physical balance, alleviate pain, provide stress relief, and induce physical and psychological relaxation. We apply our deep expertise and ongoing professional training to make unique decisions for each patient, and we use a wide range of both traditional and contemporary acupuncture methods to achieve optimal results. Dry Needling and Myofascial Trigger Point Acupuncture This is a style of acupuncture that is an indispensable tool for treating myofascial (muscle and fascia) pain. This safe and effective technique. Dry needling works by inserting very fine acupuncture needles into hypersensitive muscle and soft tissue trigger points. Studies show that dry needling can promote local tissue repair and stimulate healing mechanisms in muscle and connective tissue and relieve pain. When trigger points are deactivated, they become less irritable and maintain higher pain and inflammatory thresholds. Very few insurance policies are covering dry needling at this time. Please refer to our out of pocket fees Motor Point Acupuncture Motor point acupuncture stimulates the synapses between muscles and motor nerves (also known as motor points). This treatment produces involuntary twitches in the affected muscles, which helps to reset dysfunctional muscle spindles and correct reflexive spasms and abnormal muscle function. This method is often used for weak or atrophied muscles, or muscles that are not responding to traditional physical therapies. Manual Therapies Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) Is a soft tissue technique for the diagnosis and treatment for common musculoskeletal conditions. By Identifying six specific problems or “distortions” in the body’s connective tissue we can improve conditions such as pulled muscles, strains, sprains and frozen shoulders. With FDM, you can benefit from a quicker reduction of pain, and often immediate improvements in range of motion restrictions. Chinese Tui Na includes dozens of manual techniques based on traditional Chinese medical massage, or tui na (“push-pull”), used independently or alongside acupuncture to treat pain and other musculoskeletal conditions. Moxibustion We safely burn an herb known as mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) or moxa near specific points of the body to warm and invigorate the blood, usually in conjunction with acupuncture. Cupping This non-invasive process uses suction to increase circulation and stretch tissue Graston Certified Provider The Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy known as soft-tissue instrument-assisted mobilization. It is one of a number of manual therapy approaches that uses instruments with a specialized form of massage/scraping the skin gently Gua Sha is an ancient form of Chinese medicine where the practitioner takes a smooth edged instrument, usually a buffalo horn, across the skin’s surface to release Sha. This practice is a process of dispelling wind, reducing heat and inflammation, eliminating coldness and releasing pain. Visually whenSha is released it can resemble anything from a reddening to a deep, red bruise on the surface of the skin. The literal meaning of Gua Sha is “to rub out/scrape out Sha (reddening)”. Reiki a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Herbal Medicine We are experts in the full spectrum of botanical medicine—from traditional applications to the latest plant-science research. Our breadth of knowledge enables us to choose the safest, most effective herbal medicines for your needs and conditions. Chinese herbal medicine is an integral part of the traditional Chinese medical system and has been in use over several thousand years. Functional and Nutritional Medicine Based on scientific research methods, functional and nutritional medicine uses lab testing to determine the most appropriate dietary supplements (and effective dosage), and any other treatments that will effectively address your health needs. Dietary Therapies Specific dietary and nutritional recommendations can effectively treat many health disorders, including gastrointestinal problems, allergies, chronic pain, fatigue, mental health conditions, cancer, and more. |