Why should I see an acupuncturist? The new direction that modern medicine is now moving towards is fueled by patients’ desire to not only resolve their health issues naturally, they also are seeking ways to prevent illness and maintain their health. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine accomplishes both goals beautifully. Acupuncture:
How many treatments will I need and how often? This really depends on several factors: the nature of the condition, the duration, frequency, and severity, and the overall health of the patient. Chronic cases may require twice weekly visits for several weeks, and then taper off as the patient makes progress. It is strongly recommended that you come in for a minimum of six sessions to fully experience the benefits of acupuncture and repeat sessions every few months to maintain your progress. 36 hour cancellation policy Please allow ample time for us to reschedule your appointment. Our business depends on keeping to a schedule for our clients. To support this, we have a 36 hr. cancellation policy. If you can't make your appointment, or cancel in less than 24 hrs., you will be charged the full appointment price. Thank you for respecting our policy. In addition, because another patient is likely to be scheduled after you, we may not be able to treat you if you arrive 10 or more minutes late for your appointment. Though we will do our best to work you in, if we cannot, this may result in a missed appointment fee. Treatments at UCSF Fertility Center, Spring Fertility, and Pacific Fertility We provide pre and post acupuncture sessions for patients undergoing an IUI or IVF transfer on site. |
Your Visit
An initial acupuncture session consists of a health history, diagnosis, treatment plan and treatment. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and will be given feedback and recommendations on how to make the most out of your treatments. Your initial visit will last 75-90 minutes and follow-up appointments are 60 minutes. During each acupuncture treatment session, you may receive cupping, tui na, gua sha, herbal prescription, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations and/or qi gong exercise prescriptions in addition to your acupuncture treatment. We will decide what treatments are best for you once we have taken a detailed history and gained an understanding of your needs. Before Your Visit Make sure you have had a light meal or snack before you arrive. If possible, wear or bring loose-fitting clothes that can be rolled up to your elbows and knees. Try not to schedule any high-impact activities after your treatment. How will I feel after my acupuncture session? Immediately after your acupuncture session it is possible that you may become euphoric or drowsy. Please be sure you are properly oriented before leaving. We offer water and juice and you are welcome to stay in the treatment room or in the lobby until you are capable of walking or driving safely from our office. For 6-24 hours following your treatment: