I love this picture taken from my friend KJ - its a perfect example how bad the air quality is.
Cupping and acupuncture can be very helpful. We've gotten busy at the office since the fires, we are doing our best to accommodate everyone. If you've been affected by the fires either physically or emotionally, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can find a time that works for you!
The annual emotional cycles follow the cycles of nature. Every Fall, the opportunity to sit with, revisit, be with, and let go of our core losses. Winter is the time of deep gestation, Spring brings us the energy of new beginnings and possibilities, Summer is the yang-fire of manifesting our visions and our projects.
Focusing on the Autumn season, it is also centered around the harvest - the time of reaping, and assessing past strategies in hopes of better harvests in the future, and the time of assessing the losses of the year. This doesn't always have to be in an overwhelming way - time can soften the edges - but acknowledging what we carry within us. Each year we come from a different place, because we continue to grow and change and see our grief through different lenses. A great example of are traditions such as Dia de Los Muertos and All Souls Day that celebrate this time of year, when the energetics of the season hold and reflect that sort of energy. So, if you find yourself feeling and thinking back to core losses, know that you are not alone, it is a part of the natural cycle of the year. Do not sit alone with those feelings, reach out to a therapist, guide, mentor or close friend to be with you in that process. I am running an end of year special just for you! My popular Mini Reset functional medicine consultation package will be 20% off through the end of December. In this package, we take a deep dive into all aspects of your health and health goals. I then create a personalized wellness plan to help you obtain optimal wellness going forward. This includes labwork, herbs, supplements, lifestyle, and diet recommendations to help you feel phenomenal. And, if you would also like to add a Comprehensive Wellness blood panel order and analysis to be included in this package, it is also just an extra $97 (normal price $350).
This package is ideal for women who are wanting help with fertility, PMS, irregular cycles, stress, fatigue, mood, digestive issues, etc. Or, it is also wonderful to do as a once yearly health reset. It is also a perfect addition to your Chinese medicine treatments as SFIM and I work very closely together in our care of patients. Wondering if this is still right for you? Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with me here. Unfortunately, this package is not covered by insurance, but in most cases your HSA and FSA dollars can be used. For more information about me, visit www.DrLaurieTerzo.com For more information about the Mini Reset package, click here Survive the Holidays Our Favorite Products that Boost your Immune System and Help You Stay Calm11/4/2018 While it’s possible for you to get a cold any time of year‚ most of us know that when the weather starts getting colder and the stress from the holidays starts to build‚ your chances of developing a cold are higher. This is mostly because people spend more time inside together during the colder months‚ giving germs and bacteria a better chance to spread in the re-circulated air. Over the years we've gone through a lot of different products. Along with our winter coats and scarfs, these are the tried and true ones we bring out every year without fail. We've got all of these stocked at the office - pick them up at your next treatment or give us a call and we can mail them to you in the SF/East Bay area.
December 2024