1. What is Microneedling
Microneedling is designed to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, large pores, and acne scars. Elanita uses Dermapen, a handheld device that resembles a pen but uses 12 microscopic needles to breach the surface layers of skin, creating very tiny wound patterns which break up old collagen and stimulate a natural healing process. The micro wounds stimulate the body’s natural healing response, which floods the area with red and white blood cells, oxygen, and all of the beneficial nutrients found in the blood. Additionally, microneedling is known to stimulate collagen production. Our collagen production tends to decrease as we age, but this treatment tricks the body into producing more of this compound necessary for smooth, youthful skin. 2. Why get micro-needling? These treatments smooth the look of scars, enlarged pores, fine lines, wrinkles, and imperfections. Micropens have sanitary, disposable needle tips which can be customized for different areas of the face, which will need different levels of penetration for optimal results. The hand piece vibrates, which also stimulates collagen production. The results are usually fully visible in four weeks. Once the procedure is finished, we can utilize high grade serums or stem cells which can now penetrate deep into the skin. 3. Is micro needling good for everyone? Though most people can be treated very successfully with Micro Needling, there are those who have pre-existing conditions which keep them from being candidates for this service. The following issues are contraindicated for the Hemophilia Skin diseases, eczema, allergies, autoimmune diseases, current cold sores, history of cancer, tendency to keloid, current open wounds or infections 4. Is it painful? No, because our medical grade numbing will remove all sensation. 5 Whats the procedure like Depending on the method applied, the area of the skin and device used, a micro-needling procedure lasts between 45-75minutes. For safety and precision, sterile needles with disposable tips are used in the procedure. To numb the any possible discomfort, a topical anesthetic cream is applied to the skin’s surface after makeup and cream residues have been removed off the skin. The Elanita will proceed to create tiny punctures on the intended sites with a dermapen. After which an ice pack, serum, and/or hydrating mask is placed over the operated surface. It should be noted that in some instances, negligible pinpoint bleeding might occur which is nothing to worry about, as it can easily be controlled.
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I love offering Micro-Needling to our patients. Its the perfect combo of getting patients the results they want with also being a pampering session. I love this therapy because it is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment with a quick recovery time. It promotes natural collagen reproduction, similar to fractional laser treatments, IPL, and laser resurfacing, but without the side effects and downtime. This is a unique way to address and improve:
All photos are after 3-4 sessions, spaced a month apart. All appointments will include a powerful, rich serum customized for you along with Celluma LED light therapy Have questions? Book a phone consultation with Elanita by clicking here Love Research? - So Do We! MicroNeedling Studies:
One of the keys to a youthful-looking skin is having plenty of super-protein collagen. Collagen is the scaffolding that prevents complexions from becoming droopy or slack. It’s a wonder-working, naturally-produced ingredient that keeps faces looking plump, taut and radiant.
Where's the catch... As we age, our production of collagen slows down, and the reserves of this protein diminish. Without this on our side, the signs of ageing – lines, wrinkles, uneven texture and sagginess – start to become visible. Luckily, it’s possible to replicate the process that leads to collagen being formed. Did you know whenever your body is injured, it triggers the production of collagen to aid in the healing of connective tissues. That’s why treatments like Micro-Needling and Acupuncture, which involve small, almost imperceptible skin punctures can organically provoke the collagen response. Both involve micro injuries to the skin to stimulate collagen synthesis, but they are distinct treatments. What are the main differences? And how do you know which one is right for you? Micro-needling in a nutshell Also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or Micro-needling, is a therapy that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterilised needles at a specific depth. Over a number of sessions, this causes the body to produce collagen. It is used to treat scarring and acne and to counter the effects of ageing. There is minimal downtime, though you may appear a little pinkish after your treatment – as if you’ve had too much sun. Swelling and minor bleeding can also result but the treated area is anesthetized to eliminate any pain. Six treatments spaced out over a year are recommended for optimum ‘wow’ results. Facial Acupuncture in a nutshell Facial Acupuncture also replies on needles. But unlike Micro-needling, this treatment is not about rapidly pin-pricking the skin, but about inserting needles and leaving them in there. Usually for a period of 20 minutes. The needles are carefully positioned in areas of the face where a blockage of energy is perceived or into the muscles that control our facial movements (where wrinkles often occur). Unblocking this energy has an overwhelmingly positive effect on the whole body. Facial Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy, rooted in ancient medicine and is therefore a more holistic approach to take. The process not only works to enhance the complexion, it also improves the mood and boosts general well-being. There is no downtime. And like micro-needling, six treatments are recommended to see results. But Facial Acupuncture is one of those treats you’ll want to get over and over again – whenever you need a pick-me-up. Still confused about what to go for? At San Francisco Integrative Medicine we are expert in both treatments and can advise you on what’s right for you, your skin-type, your expectations and your lifestyle. Book a consultation today.
Cupping and acupuncture can be very helpful. If you've been affected by the fires either physically or emotionally, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can find a time that works for you! Autumn and Chinese Medicine
While summer emphasizes being physically and socially active with its long days and warm weather and even though its still warm this week, the changes that autumn brings is already becoming evident. Now in October, the nights are noticeably cooler, daytime temperatures can wildly fluctuate, leaves change color and sunlight is intense but lessening. As the veil thins as we approach winter solstice, it is important to make a conscious transition from this outward time of summer to a more yin and contracting time of autumn for maintaining a healthy balance in both physical and emotional well-being. With this shift, comes natural changes in our bodies, mood and health. This is a time to strengthen and protect your health. Fortifying during autumn months will in turn create a reservoir of wellness to sustain vitality in winter months. The Lung Organ
Ways to Support the Lungs Nourish Fluids Since autumn is a dry season, we need to protect ourselves from cold-air evaporation of moisture from our skin. Pay attention to hydration with fluids coupled with moistening foods, such as pears, sea vegetables, cabbage, turnips and parsnips. Breathe Take time to focus on full, deep abdominal breaths as you become aware of that which needs to be released. Purge Free up more space by letting go of clutter and excess possessions- donating and giving away unused clothes will be deeply appreciated by those who need them this winter. This can also mean letting go of relationships and friendships which no longer serve you in a positive way. Grieve There is no one right way to grieve, there is no standard timeframe and each person's grief process is unique. Chinese medicine is concerned with grief that is repressed and unexpressed. Sleep In general: aim to go to bed an hour earlier and wake an hour later. It definitely may be appropriate for you to sleep longer than that as we head towards winter. Dress Appropriately Wear a scarf - even a light one will protect your lungs and throat from harsh wind and cold. Compost! Another crucial way of letting go of what is no longer needed and supporting the lungs of our planet. |
December 2024