Transform your skin from the inside out naturally and effectively with out surgery or chemical injections. Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as facial acupuncture, is an ancient beauty secret and is used by both men and women as a non-toxic way to minimize fine lines and wrinkles from the face. It reduces the signs of aging by renewing the glow of the skin and providing a youthful look to the face. Cosmetic acupuncture needles create stimulation to areas of facial tissue by increasing the circulation of blood flow to the wrinkles and thus producing more collagen production, resulting in less wrinkle formation.
Facial Acupuncture + Massage + Mask We use a combination of facial rejuvenation acupuncture, facial cupping, gua sha, and micro-needling to help our clients attain healthy and vibrant skin. Anti-aging Acupuncture treatments help to: Slow signs of aging Softens lines and wrinkles Reduce muscle tension that may be causing unsightly lines Lift sagging Reduce puffiness and under eye bags Increase moisture and elasticity Improve skin texture Balance systemic issues What will it feel like? If you are familiar with typical acupuncture, you know you may have a slight, initial sensation when the needle is inserted, but then it is fine. The face is very sensitive, so you will naturally have more sensation with facial needling. Therefore, needles are inserted firmly. However, the discomfort is not long-lasting. Once all the needles are inserted, usually within ten or fifteen minutes, the discomfort recedes, and you relax comfortably with the needles for 15 - 25 minutes. After the needles are removed, you may feel energized, deeply relaxed, or both. You may feel your skin has tightened, or your face is lifted. You may feel a sense of well-being. What are the side effects? The side effect that usually concerns patients the most is bruising. If you opt to do the treatment we do our best to avoid bruising but it is not always possible. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. You will bruise, and likely much more than once. The bruises can be small or large, flat or swollen, on any part of the face. Bruises typically take 5 - 10 days to fade. The separate consent form for acupuncture of the face and eye includes more information about facial bruising. How should I handle bruises? Bruises can be rubbed very, very gently with the fingertips and some arnica gel, eye cream, or other light skin lubricant, to stimulate circulation to carry away the stuck blood. This will also be done during your session. You can cover them up if you wish with concealer or other make-up. They generally fade on their own without care in about 5 - 10 days, but may take longer than that. What commitment is required from me? As with all medical care, you are free to say yes or no to whatever care you like. You can try a treatment and decide it isn’t for you and not continue. You can ask that certain areas not be needled. I may counsel you that for best effect, certain areas need to be included, but ultimately, you are in control. It is recommended to repeat a session every two weeks for four to six weeks, then monthly thereafter for 3 months. Dawna Ara, LAc & Elanita Korian, LAc Use acupuncture facial rejuvenation, Wakefield, Gellis, and Mei Zen techniques, facial massage, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, and natural skin care products to help you feel and look better.
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December 2023