Acupuncture can treat many eye diseases, including but not limited to:
I know you %$&#!!!! thinking: this acupuncture in my eyes?? The answer is, no! Super fine acupuncture needles go in many assorted places around the body, and are a surprisingly effective, natural approach to controlling and even improving degenerative eye diseases. Herbal medicine is as easy as taking some pills, just like taking any other medication. Dr. Jennifer Bezjak L.Ac. DACM, has intensive training in the highly specialized treatment approach that is necessary when treating ophthalmologic conditions. She received her masters and her doctorate degree at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco and has studied with Mats Sexton L.Ac., who has been a a TCM eye specialist since 2003. Her mom was her first macular degeneration patient, and her complete regression of the disease inspired Dr. Bezjak to specialize in this complex and vital area of medicine. Why does acupuncture work when my ophthalmologist says there is no treatment? Because acupuncture treats the whole body along with the eyes. Chronic and degenerative eye disease are often accompanied by systemic diseases like: hypertension, diabetes, digestive issues, menstrual/fertility/menopausal issues, insomnia, or chronic pain. Eyes are sensitive and complex organs, with very tiny vasculature that will be the first to show signs of vulnerability to systemic diseases. Everything is connected. Ophthalmologists are often the first physicians to discover a person’s systemic disease pattern such as stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer. Just as the eyes can be a window to our overall health, Chinese medicine uses the same approach: and treats the whole body to achieve healing in the eyes. Treatment Plans for Vision Disorders The treatment course for eye care is not like the usual acupuncture appointment. First time appointments are for 90 minutes to allow plenty of time to discuss your health, evaluate your vision, treat, and to explain herbal prescriptions if necessary. At your first appointment, we will discuss the issue you are seeking treatment for and then we will ask you questions to understand your constitution. Chinese medicine is customized medicine for each individual, so we will likely spend 30 minutes getting to the root of the problem. If an herbal prescription is needed, then we will give you detailed instructions on dose, frequency, and duration of the medicine. Subsequently, you will receive two 30 minute treatments a day for 5 consecutive days, for a total of 10 treatments in 1 week. You will receive a treatment, take an hour long break and then return for the second treatment that same day. I will perform a visual assessment at the beginning and at the end of the treatment course. Next, we will decide if another 10 session course is appropriate, or if we will move onto to weekly and then monthly treatments. Payment and Fees Please be advised: While acupuncture in general may be covered by your insurance, acupuncture for vision diseases are not covered. Payment is due at the time of service. The fee for the initial evaluation and 10 treatments is $3600. Visual tests are performed to chart the progress of the acupuncture treatments and to gauge their effect on the eyes before and after treatment. The testing is not designed or intended to diagnose any western diseases. If you are having vision problems, you should visit your regular Ophthalmologist for a complete work up. Dr. Bezjak will not see patients for eye care without a prior ophthalmologists visit.
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December 2023