Acupuncture has been shown to improve poor sperm quality, morphology, and motility. It takes about 60-90 days for the final stage of sperm maturation. Acupuncture can have the most effect at this stage in improving sperm quality. However, a recent study has also shown that acupuncture given over a span of only several weeks can also significantly improve sperm quality.
For optimal improvement, Acupuncture is recommended once weekly for 2-3 months prior to IVF/ICSI. If IVF/ICSI is scheduled for sooner than 2-3 months out, acupuncture is recommended 1-2 times a week for 5 weeks prior to IVF/ICSI.
For optimal improvement, Acupuncture is recommended once weekly for 2-3 months prior to IVF/ICSI. If IVF/ICSI is scheduled for sooner than 2-3 months out, acupuncture is recommended 1-2 times a week for 5 weeks prior to IVF/ICSI.