Dr. Jennifer Bezjak DACM, Dipl O.M. (NCCAOM), L.Ac., is licensed to practice acupuncture and herbal medicine by the California Acupuncture Board and is also nationally certified in acupuncture and Oriental medicine by NCCAOM. She received her graduate and doctoral (DACM) degrees from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. She has received specialized training in the treatment of degenerative eye disease, musculoskeletal pain/disease, infertility/menstrual disorders, and her passion: digestive disorders. Dr. Bezjak uses a truly integrative approach to diagnosis and treatment. The strength of modern medicine is the collection of data through imaging, blood and stool testing, but often the individuality of the patient is lost in the numbers. The strength of Traditional Chinese Medicine is its customization and its all natural, holistic approach to healing. Dr. Bezjak uses her expertise and skill to bring together two worlds of medicine to serve her patients. Additionally, Jennifer is adjunct faculty at ACTCM where she teaches anatomy and herbal medicine. She lives with her partner and their dog in San Francisco. |